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Name Change for FMP

Originally, the name for my final collection was going to be "2153" a name I still love. It is the house number for where I lived in Zimbabwe. The collection is linked to my childhood I wanted to reference a place I loved. The problem was, from an outsiders perspective it didn't reflect the point of my collection. When I think of numbers I think of streetwear, I mean its a house number after all. It didn't accurately portray what I was going for so I changed it.

Honestly it took me a while to decide on the name because I wasn't sure what the real concept was. It started off very broad. Just a collection of my nostalgia really, it was difficult to define something before I knew what I wanted it to be.

I realised in changing the name that there are some parts of my experience meant just for the people who lived them, some things you can't share with the world, they wont understand it all. I had to decide what parts of my life I wanted to show the world in this collection, and what parts would remain memories.

I think doing a collection with such a strong emotional attachment is hard. You have to decide what parts the world sees, its hard to narrow down. I wanted every single good time and person to be represented in the collection. Maybe for me they are, just not to everyone else. On the flip side, the emotion can bring sadness. Memories that weren't great, or for me just the fact that I've moved so far away from Zimbabwe, I don't live there anymore, but it still feels like home. Thats a tough thought that creeps up a lot, its easy to be overwhelmed with the nostalgia and not want to be where you are now.

I think it was Upon realising this that I found my title. It still retains a piece of my home in that we called it "Little Eden", but its also "Exploring." We are still seeking that sense of adventure, it didn't stop when we grew up or moved away. It reflects both the old, imagination and my childhood, whilst also being ready for the next adventure, its hopeful and wonderful.

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