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2153 Initial

I thought I'd show you my old portfolio pages for my final major project.

Originally I wanted to contrast drape with more tailored pieces, to capture the fluid movement of my experience and balance it with the harder times, because they always came together. I was really inspired by functionality and the Zimbabwean way "making a plan" whatever life through at you.

The design process has been a lot of back and forth, there are elements I loved in every idea, which made it hard to narrow my ideas down.

I wanted to have pieces that would work in different situations, a dress that could be both evening wear and then hitched up to climb a tree in. a pair of trousers that could become shorts in hot weather.

To begin with my concept was scattered. I knew I wanted to look at my time growing up in Zimbabwe, but that was 10 years! Thats an awful lot to condense into a 6 outfit collection! I still need to do a lot of work on narrowing down the key details and ideas behind my final collection, but I believe its good to start with a broad sense of where you want to go in order to then edit your best ideas.

I also felt that the pages themselves did not have the same energy as my project proposal, so i want to experiment with more scrapbook like aesthetics and illustrations.

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